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Economic model

Membership fees of the DIVA consortium

DiVA is financed with membership fees that are determined in three-year periods by the general assembly. New membership fees have been set for the period 2021-2023. In connection with this, a new model will be used as a basis for group division. The reason why the DiVA consortium applies on a three-year interval is that each DiVA member can be informed, in good time and over time, about the organization costs of DiVA. The goal is that the annual membership fees should fully cover the costs for the management and development of DiVA.

Publication-driven economic model from 2021

A new model for calculating membership fees within the DiVA consortium will take effect from January 2021, in accordance with a decision by the general assembly (2019-05-09). This means that the number of registered publications that a member makes in DiVA during a certain period forms the basis for group membership and thus the annual membership fee. The model is based on the number of registrations during the last three years. Thereafter, a median calculation is made so that large deviations for one year do not have an overall impact.

Number of registered publications per year divided into four groups:


Number of registrations

per year

Annual fee


Group 1

4000 or more

565 000

Group 2

1800 - 3999

335 000

Group 3

500 - 1799

265 000

Group 4

0 - 499

110 000

* Year 2025 and 2026 an increase of 2 % will be added, for each year.

Prerequisites for the model:

  • Before each new three-year period, a new registration calculation is made.
  • New members are included in the budget at each new three-year period. If a member leaves the consortium, it is also included in the budget calculation at the next three-year interval.
  • At each new three-year period, before a new payment period, salary increase costs is added to the model.
  • Changes in the model are most appropriately made in connection with a new three-year period, but model and financing changes can also be decided by the general assembly in connection with the annual meeting.
  • Given that there are fixed costs for storage, operation and support, the model includes a minimum amount (for members of group 4).
  • If members join or leave the consortium, it will normally affect the group fees only at the next three-year period.

Connection fees for new members

New members pay a connection fee for installation, login and import of existing databases. In addition, there is an annual fee for the operation, support, management and development of DiVA.

The connection fee is determined by the management and is not dependent on the member's size as the installation cost is the same. However, the connection cost is reduced for smaller research authorities to enable them to join DiVA. The connection fee is SEK 360,000, but is for new members in group 4 reduced to SEK 60,000. Connection fees are not included in the financing of DiVA but constitute a financial buffer for DiVA.


  • Eva Agius, System management DiVA
    E-mail: eva.agius(a)ub.uu.se

  • Questions about publications in DiVA?
    Please contact the university or the institution where the publication was produced.
